Qi wireless charging enabled phones
With the rapid integration of free charging pads in the Starbucks, Costa and Wetherspoons chains, the phone manufacturers are beginning to catch on. Over the past 3 years, Samsung have pre-wired their S3-S5 and Note models, but not publicised the fact or told their users. Google has taken the lead with all their Nexus 4, 5,6,7 models. Nokia appears to have lost the 'impetus' and lead it originally had, since the take over from Microsoft.
The new Asian phone manufacturers are embracing the Qi world standard by integrating receivers into their new models. Apple more or less stands alone in not being a part of the Wireless Power Consortium Standard, perhaps missing the point that it is not a market it can control, once integrated into Aircraft and chains, it is unlikely an 'Apple wireless standard' would stand a chance, i.e. Blueray/DVD.
Here is a list of current Qi enabled phones
Posted by Wireless Phone Chargers on July 8th 2015